© Dithmarschen Tourismus

About us:   

Dithmarschen Tourismus e.V.  

A warm welcome from the Dithmarschen Tourism Association!

Who we are:

The Verein Dithmarschen Tourismus, founded in 1989, carries out the work of a Local Tourist Organisation (LTO) within the meaning of the tourism concept of the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein for the territory covering the Dithmarschen district. The LTO has 11 members: the District of Dithmarschen, the towns of Heide and Brunsbüttel, the communities of Büsum and Friedrichskoog and the six Dithmarschen councils.


Our remit includes the following responsibilities:

  • To operate a central advice, information and reservations office for tourists
  • Co-ordination and execution of marketing activities embracing the whole region as well as centralised promotional activities
  • Dealing with members‘ matters which are generally of fundamental importance and representing members both in tourism-related organisations and elsewhere
  • Planning, co-ordination and carrying out of individual projects of regional or national importance for further development of tourism in Dithmarschen
  • Co-ordination and harmonisation of infrastructure planning relevant to tourism for locations in Dithmarschen
  • Development and implementation of measures for qualification and enhancing quality in the tourist sector
  • Determining strategies and objectives for further tourist development

Our objectives are:

  • To increase the economic value of tourism for the entire LTO region. This assumes the existence of quality products suitable for the target market as well as a strong destination identity behind which there is a powerful LTO functioning both as a marketing organisation and a regional tourist development agency. This gives rise to economically-beneficial tourism derived from establishing and increasing demand and / or maintaining and enhancing the readiness of visitors to pay.
  • To formulate tourist development as a mutually beneficial exercise. This implies that local people should benefit from the tourism (provision of public services including aspects such as basic infrastructure, job creation, use of (tourist) attractions), and that the tourism itself should benefit in return (craftspeople from the region, year-round stimulation of towns and villages, creation of a year-round demand for goods, catering and recreational facilities).
  • To promote tourism with the least possible harmful effect on nature. An intact nature and landscape form the basic foundations for tourism and the quality of life for the people of Dithmarschen. Protection and preservation of nature is thus essential both for future development of tourism as well as for the local population.

We give you here information on who to contact with us and the tourist information offices in our holiday resorts besides.

Your contact at our Heide office:

Executive/Management Board
Helge Haalck
Telefon: 0481 / 21 22 551
E-Mail: haalck@echt-dithmarschen.de

Marketing / Press and Media Contact
Helene Kiehl
Telefon: 0481 / 21 22 553
E-Mail: kiehl@echt-dithmarschen.de

Digitalisation & Online Marketing
Janet Hanßen
Telefon: 0481 / 21 22 558
E-Mail: hanssen@echt-dithmarschen.de

Location Marketing 
Nele Flemming (née Zehm)
Telefon: 0481 / 21 22 560
E-Mail: zehm@echt-dithmarschen.de

Marketing Assistant
Alicija Lewitzki
Telefon: 0481 / 21 22 580
E-Mail: lewitzki@echt-dithmarschen.de

Accommodation Service Centre & Team Assistance
Beate Böttcher
Telefon: 0481 / 21 22 555
E-Mail: boettcher@echt-dithmarschen.de

Bookkeeping / Control (audit) & Team Assistance
Sylvia Möller
Telefon: 0481 / 21 22 554
E-Mail: moeller@echt-dithmarschen.de

Quality and Qualification
Sabine Graetke
Telefon: 0481 / 21 22 552
E-Mail: graetke@echt-dithmarschen.de

Infrastructure & Project Development
Timo Niehörster
Telefon: 0481 / 21 22 570
E-Mail: niehoerster@echt-dithmarschen.de

Your contacts in the tourist information offices at the different holiday destinations are available under:

Wherever you may be in Dithmarschen, guests from all over the world are always welcome!

Tourist information office Albersdorf

Tel: 04835 / 971097
E-Mail: touristinfoalbersdorf@mitteldithmarschen.de


Tourist information office Brunsbüttel

Gustav-Meyer-Platz 2
25541 Brunsbüttel
Tel: 04852 / 391186
E-Mail: touristinformation@stadt-brunsbuettel.de


Tourist information Eider Region

Tel: 04836 / 990 90
E-Mail: info@echt-eider.de


Tourist information office Marne

Deichstraße 2
25709 Marne
Telefon: 04851 / 957686
E-Mail: info@marne-ferien.de


Tourist information office St. Michaelisdonn

Bahnhofstraße 26
25693 St. Michaelisdonn
Tel: 04853 / 8816510
E-Mail: tourismus@st-michaelisdonn.de


Tourist information office Westerdeichstrich

Neuenkoog 13, 25761 Westerdeichstrich
Tel: 04834 / 96 22 56
E-Mail: info@westerdeichstrich.de


Tourismus-Service Friedrichskoog

[Translate to English:] Logo Tourist-Info Friedrichskoog

Koogstraße 141 (Deichpassage)
25718 Nordseeheilbad Friedrichskoog-Spitze
Tel: 048 54 / 21901-0
E-Mail: info@friedrichskoog.de


Tourist information office Büsumer Deichhausen

Achtern Diek 28, im Strandhaus
25761 Büsumer Deichhausen
Tel: 04834 / 38 68
E-Mail: info@buesumer-deichhausen-nordsee.de


Tourist information office Burg

Holzmarkt 5, in der Tee-Burg
25712 Burg
Tel: 04825 / 901194
E-Mail: touristikbuero@burg-dithmarschen.de


Tourist information office Heide

Markt 37
25746 Heide
Tel: 0481 / 2122160
E-Mail: info@heide-stadtmarketing.de


Tourist information office Meldorf

Nordermarkt 10, 25704 Meldorf
Tel: 04 83 2 / 97 80 0
E-Mail: touristinfomeldorf@mitteldithmarschen.de


Tourist information office Wesselburen

Am Markt 5, 25764 Wesselburen
Tel: 04833 / 4101 
E-Mail: info@nordseebucht.de


Tourismus Marketing Service Büsum GmbH

Neuer Weg 2, 25761 Büsum
Tel:0 48 34 / 90 90
E-Mail: info@buesum.de